With these spectral methods, the chemical composition and the structure of the polishing paste for plastics were identified. 通过上述光谱法确定了该塑料抛光膏的化学组成和结构。
The present paper was to use GC/ MS to detect the chemical composition unknown of one yellow polishing paste. 本文使用色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)分析一种未知组成黄色抛光膏的化学成分。
Silica gel column chromatography and solvent extraction were used to separate grease and abradant in a kind of excellent polishing paste for plastics, respectively. 分别采用硅胶柱色谱法和溶剂抽提,分离优质塑料抛光膏中的油脂和磨料部分。
Purification of Sewage Containing Chromium via Oxalic Add Reduction Route and Application of Relevant Flocculation in Preparation of a Green Polishing Paste 用草酸还原法处理含铬污水及绿色抛光膏的研制
When the content of polishing brick dust below 30%, with the content of polishing brick dust increasing, the Marsh time of cement mortar prolonged remarkably and the fluidity of cement paste got worse. 抛光砖粉掺量在30%以下,随其掺量增加,Marsh时间明显延长,水泥浆体的流动性变差;
Made Polishing Paste with Chrome Recovered from the Wastewater and Using It on Polishing Metal Works 从废铬液的回收辅料中研制抛光膏及其在金属抛光中的应用与表征
Development of polishing paste used in stainless steel 不锈钢用抛光蜡的研制